






































Vin=7V~20V ,Io=40mA







Vin=8V~20V ,Io=40mA







Vin=10V, Io=1mA~40mA






Vin=10V, Io=1mA~100mA
































1、VO测试即为芯片功能测试,测试其在不同负载下电压输出是否正常,测试时只需从VIN施加10V电压,  再从VOUT拉出不同电流(1ma、40ma、70ma)进行测试VOUT电压即可。
2、DVO_LINE 测试LDO的电压线性度,即在变化Vin电压看输出电压的变化,本方案为输入电压从7V8v变化到20v,输出负载为40ma的条件进行测试其输出电压变化量,变化越小性能越好,具体规范   分别为小于65mv44mv
3、DVO_LOAD 测试LDO的负载线性度,即看输出负载变化时输出电压的变化,和DVO_LINE测试方法相同,只是负载不同而已。

由于篇幅较大,在此不一一显示,请下载后参考: 78L05_program

这个问题一般有两种解决办法,一种比较简单的解决办法是在VINVOUT都采用Kelvin接触方式,尽可能的减小因为接触电阻而引起的电压损失, 负载可用电阻来代替。另一种办法是用运算放大器对输出进行放大一定倍数后进行测试,然后再用测量值除以放大的倍数得到实际的输出电压。注意要选择精度高的运放,其实运放在测试经常会用到,尤其是测试小信号的电压时,作为测试工程师必须很熟悉运放的一些应用,这样可以使你采用低端的测试机来测试高端的产品。

这 个问题一般有两种解决办法,一种比较简单的解决办法是在VINVOUT都采用Kelvin接触方式,尽可能的减小因为接触电阻而引起的电压损失,负载可用电阻来代替。另一种办法是用运算放大器对输出进行放大一定倍数后进行测试,然后再用测量值除以放大的倍数得到实际的输出电压。注意要选择精度高的运放, 其实运放在测试经常会用到,尤其是测试小信号的电压时,作为测试工程师必须很熟悉运放的一些应用,这样可以使你采用低端的测试机来测试高端的产品。
烧坏芯片的原因就更复杂一些,一般烧熔丝控制的嵌位电压为5V左右,但实际上在烧的瞬间,trim PAD上的电压可能会达到10V左右(不相信的兄弟可以用示波器抓一下看看),为什么呢,这就是你的引线中存在寄生电感,以及寄生电容,从而构成一个升压 电路,抬高了你的电压,这个电压虽然是瞬间的,但对于5V以下工艺的芯片来讲,可能会存在致命的打击!最好、最方便的解决办法是,在靠近trim PAD的位置加上一个较大的电容(可以从0.010.1uf之间)来滤掉这个尖峰电压,如果效果还是不佳,可以尝试在trim的源上串一个5欧姆左右的 功率电阻(功率要足够大,不然会冒烟的哦)来限制一下电流,另外请注意铝的熔丝电阻在2欧姆左右,多晶的熔丝电阻在100欧姆左右,所以在选择电阻和电容 的大小时候要注意一下,两者是有区别的。
此问题也是很头疼的一个综合问题,它涉及到测试、封装工艺、封装材料等因素,总的说来是封装后电压偏差主要是封装造成的,但又不可避免,尤其是当芯片尺寸很小的时候,在封装划片、塑封时产生的应力将会导致电压的变化,可以通过晶圆减薄的厚度不同,和封装材料来控制,作为测试工程师要注意数据统计,根据成测 的结果来调整中测的规范。










       This section covers the specification, manufacturer, design, testing and delivery of Three Phase Consumer Metering Units to BPDBs' Central Store at Tongi, Gagipur.




       The Three phase Socket/enclosure type Consumer Metering Units to be supplied under this contract shall be suitable for satisfactory use under the following tropical conditions:


       Maximum Relative Humidity                            : 100%

       Annual mean Relative Humidity                : 75%

       Minimum ambient Temperature                      : 5 deg C

       Maximum Ambient Temperature                     : 50 deg C

       Average temperature                               : 40 deg C

       Mean annual rainfall                                 : 1500-3000 mm

       Maximum wind pressure                          : 150Kg/Sq.m

       Maximum Altitude above the sea level             : 300 meters

       Average isokeraunic level                         : 80 days/year

Pollution of ambient air                       : dust, salt, chemical.


The climate is humid and tropical.

Maximum humidity and temperature occur simultaneously.


Limit range for storage and transport is Class 3K7 for IEC or equivalent Class for ANSI



Note: Particular attention should be given to ensuring that the LCD display of the Energy Meters can withstand these conditions over the meter's economic lifetime.



Lot-1: Procurement of 400V, 3×10(60) A & 400V, 3×30(100) A, 3-phase 4-wire, 3-element, outdoor type double tariff programmable consumer energy meter.






The consumer meters are required for the purpose of energy metering of low voltage consumer who purchases power at 400V line. KWh is the unit for revenue purpose.


System Voltage  : Nominal service voltage 400V, 3 phase 4 wire, solidly grounded neutral at source, maximum system voltage 440V line to line.


System frequency     : 50 Hz

Standard             : The energy meter should be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with IEC 62052-11, 62053-21, and 62053-23 or ANSI C 12.16, 12.10 (latest publication) or specified in this specification .


Installation               : Outdoor installation.


Type                    : Solid state.


Application         : Registration of KWh (peak & off-peak), Total KVarh (Q1+Q4), KW on 3-phase, 4-wire supply for balanced & unbalanced load (unidirectional) . Peak 17.00-23.00 hrs and off peak 23.00-17.00 hrs (programmable) Bangladesh standard time. The software for Time of Use(TOU) shall be so developed to accommodate minimum total four tariffs and can be customized, if the purchaser changes the tariff. The software shall be compatible with Windows operating system.


Connection         : 3-phase 4-wire solidly grounded neutral.


Nos. of element  : 3 (three)


Rates current            : Basic current 10 amps and maximum current ≥60 amps.


Register             : Solid state LCD displays type register. The display shall be programmable, automatic and include:


        Meter ID

        Time & date.

        Cumulative KWh (peak & off-peak)

        Cumulative Total KVarh (Q1+Q4).

        Maximum demand (KW) with time & date.

        Cumulative maximum demand (KW) for billing month.


Maximum demand (MD) in KW shall be registered using the technique of cumulating on integration period controlled by built-in process and the MD shall be continuously recorded and the highest shall be indicated. The highest MD shall be added to the cumulative store, which shall be automatically initiated after an interval of on month/one billing period by means of built-in timing device.


        Integration period: 30(thirty) minutes.

        Number of MD reset (Automatic & manually).

        Average PF (Power Factor) for billing period.




        Phase voltage with indication.

        Phase amps with direction.

        Power factor (average)

        Demand (KW)

        Voltage angel (each phase)

        Current angle(each phase)

        Tempering indication in the register.


Memory storage       : The shall have sufficient capacity (minimum 95 KB) to store the following reading and data in non-voltage memory even in case of power failure.


        Equipment identification codes, security codes and access codes.

        Number of power interruption with date & time (minimum 100 events)

        Latest power failure time & date.

        Date & time of meter tempering (voltage & current missing Demand reset, time change).

        Event logs (Power failure, Demand reset, Time change, History log).

        Current & Previous month registered in KWh (peak & off-peak) Total KVarh (Q1+Q4)

        Current & previous month registered with maximum KW demand since last MD reset with time and date of its occurrence.

        Nos. of Demand reset.  

The meter must have sufficient capacity to store date at 30 (thirty) minutes interval for at least 90 (ninety) days.

        Load Profile data (KWh, KVarh(Q1+Q4))

        Phase voltage or Vh

        Phase amps of Ah


Accuracy class   : Accuracy class shall not exceed 1 (one)


Number of digit  : Minimum 5 (five) integer with 1 (one) decimal (Total 6 digit).


Type of display   : Solid-state LCD display.


Time switch        : The time switch shall be built-in type and shall be designed to perform a present cycle of operation. Time switch shall reset MDI at the end of every month (billing period) automatically. In the event of failure of power supply and battery, at the same time set memory shall not be lost i.e. the set program shall be record in non-volatile memory. The maximum error shall be kept within ± 1(one) second per day. Time error adjustment facility shall be provided.


Battery reserve  : Each time switch must be provided with lithium battery, which allow the switch to function for a period for not less than 10 (ten) years. The guaranteed life of the battery should not be less than 10(ten) years and shall have provision for easy replacement. The shelf life of the battery should be minimum 15 (fifteen) years or more.


Construction              : The meter shall be completely self-contain socket or enclosure type. The meter cover shall be made of polycarbonate/ acrylic/phenolic/resin and socket/enclosure cover shall of metal polycarbonate/acrylic/phenolic/resin. The meter cover and socket/enclosure cover shall be provided with security sealing provisions to prevent unauthorized access  to the internal meter works and socket/enclosure cover sealing shall be designed to accommodate both padlock and wire type seal.


                     The IEC standard meter shall be minimum IP 51. The ANSI Standard meter shall be effectively sealed to prevent entrance of rain and dust into its internal parts. The meter shall pass Rain test described in underwriter's laboratory standard UL-50 (USA) for type 3 enclosures. A general purpose finish  of class 1 as specified in section 7 of ANSI C12.10 shall be provided for the meter and it shall meet the requirement of weather simulation test (sec. 7.2.1 of ANSI C12.10) and slat spray test (ASTM B117). It shall be designed to operate continuously for the normal life of the meter in unsheltered outdoor tropical location exposed to the elements without corrosion or other damage to parts to adversely affect meter accuracy or reliability.


Enclosure for IEC Standard Meter     : The meter shall be surface mounted in an outdoor wall mounted metering enclosure box with necessary wiring. The enclosure box should be made either of high quality flame retardant ABS Resin of minimum 3 mm thickness or of galvanized sheet steel of minimum 1.22mm (18 SWG) thickness or of auto extinguishable, shockproof and UV resistant, hot molded glass reinforced polyester pf minimum 3 mm thickness. The box shall have hinged front door with one toughened glass window or transparent UV resistant Polly carbonate to enable easy reading of meter. The metering box shall be weather proof, dust proof, rodent and inspect proof in accordance with enclosure classification IP54. Service cable entry and exit will be sides of the box and 65(sixty five) mm diameter whole with  black PVC conic cable gland shall be provided for side entry & exit for this purpose all material parts shall have anti-corrosive protection.

All materials  shall be designed, manufactured and tested as per IEC or equivalent international standards except as mentioned. The front door shall be removable and provision must be made for sealing in the closed position.


Stocked for ANSI Standard Meters    :Meter sockets shall be suitable for installation of offered type meter. Meter socket shall be 3-phase, 4-phase, 600 volt class, made from 16 gauge sheet metal. Meter sockets shall be similar except as described below. Meter sockets shall approximately 14'' (35.6 cm) H×9'' (22.9 cm) W×4'' (10.2 cm) D and rectangular in shape. Sockets shall be  the same size as 1-phase sockets and terminal blocks shall be interchangeable. Sockets shall be ring less type, sealing latch to be stainless steel and have adequate means for socket grounding. Meter socket shall have a 2''(5 cm) Diameter top opening complete with a 1-1/4''(3.2 cm) hub. Meter  socket shall have 4 knockouts with a range up to 2"(5cm) Diameter, one on the back in the bottom and one in each side. Meter socket shall company with ANSI C 12.6, 12.10

The Socket shall have written permanently (not in paper printed) "connection diagram" distinctly market in addition to all standard data.


Terminal             : Socket connected type/Non-symmetrical, button entry, front connection and connection type with extended terminal cover Minimum 07 Terminals to accommodate up to 16 sq. mm size of cable. The terminal cover for the offered energy meter shall be extended type, and which can be sealed independently. There shall be free space be between bottom of the terminal and the bottom  of the terminal  cover.


Connection                : 3-phase, 4-wire solidly grounded neutral.


Service life of meter        : Shall be minimum 15 (fifteen) years.


Visual indication of operation: Pulse indicator on the front of meter as per meter constant.


Special Condition             : a) The factory calibration conforms to relevant IEC or equivalent standard. LCD display shall be shown consecutively and continuously one after another. The display shall be automated i.e. no external means shall be required to see the display. Each display shall last for at least 5 (five) sec.


                            b) Meter Electronic Circuit biasing voltage shall have to be ensured from each phase to phase and each phase to neutral and minimum basing voltage 40V.



Meter Sealing                  : The Energy meter body will be hermetically sealed or ultrasonically welded to avoid unauthorized opening of meter cover. Otherwise the Tender will be rejected.


Communication port         : The meter must be provided with a suitable communication port to allow down loading of desired information stored in the meter to a PC via hand held data logger as per IEC 1107 or equivalent international standard.




The meter shall have the following features to prevent/detect tamper and fraud:


  • Phase Sequence Reversal : The meter should work accurately irrespective of phase sequence of supply.
  • Missing Potentials: The meter shall be capable of detecting occurrence of missing potential of one phase or two phases(s), which can happen due to intentional/ accidental disconnection of potential link(s).
  • Terminal cover must have micro-switch provision to monitor unauthorized opening. Opening of terminal cover shall trigger an event to be recorded in the event log memory.
  • Software Access: Software access for configuration and setting of the meters.




  • The meter cover and socket/enclosure shall be provided security sealing provisions to prevent unauthorized access to the internal meter works.
  • The meter shall be provided with connection diagram.
  • The data access should be protected by minimum 3(three) steps software password in meter.
  • The meter shall have provision of phase to phase and each phase to neutral biasing.
  • The meter shall have minimum biasing voltage of 40V otherwise the bid will be rejected.
  • The meter, socket/enclosure shall have provision of earthing.
  • Meter must operate and accurately region demand and energy when service voltage is applied across any two of the three input terminal or when service voltage is applied from any input terminal to neutral. Meter will continue to operate even if the neutral is missing.
  • The meter and socket/enclosure must be from the same country of origin otherwise the bid will be rejected.
  • The registration of KWh (peak & off-peak) on 3-phase, 4-wire supply for balanced & unbalanced load will be unidirectional. i.e. if one, two or three phase supply is/are reversed, it will take the absolute (kWh-de) + absolute (kWh-rev) and will add them together as total 3-phase kWh.
  • The meter shall have provision of remote GSM communication option.
  •  The meter shall have permanently printed (not in paper printed) nameplate distinctly market with the following in additional to all standard data:


(a)    The word "BPDB" and insignia of BPDB.

(b)   Voltage and current rating.

(c)    Frequency.

(d)   Number of element, number of wire and multiplication factor.

(e)   Accuracy class.

(f)     Year of manufacturer.

(g)   Serial number.

(h)   Name of manufacturer.

(i)     Meter constant.


7.02.(A).04  Display of measured values/Meter Display


  • The Sequence of LCD display should be user programmable.
  • The contract setting of LCD display should be visible in different lighting environment and also distinctly visible in broad day light.
  • The meter should be capable of displaying time and date, the direction of energy i.e. as import/export or +/-, active tariff and internal fault indicators.
  • There should be up to three groups of display to priorities the display. Each showing a programmable function group.


7.02.(A).05  Meter Parameterisation  of Software


  • The parameterision software must run on Windows operating environment.
  • The software must be protected by software keys to control duplication and installation.
  • The software should have a customizable printing feature by task list.
  • The meter must be able to display or record meter ID, Program, Programmer ID, C.T. ratio, V.T.ratio, Total (KWh, KVarh, KVAh,KW, KVar, KVA, P.F) per phase (voltage, current, KW, KVar, KVA, P.F, phase voltage angle, phase current angle); Load profile having minimum 8(eight) Channels data stored in different interval for 90 days.
  • Tamper feature: The meter must have Errors & Warnings codes, History log and Event log (minimum 400 events), to record date & time of all power outages. Demand resets, time change.
  • In addition, each software key must bear a unique user ID and that is not transferable to another PC that has difference user ID.
  • The meter should have able to display the phasor diagram.
  • The software for time of use (TOU) shall be compatible to accommodate minimum for tariff and can be customized. If the purchaser changes the tariff . The software shall be compatible with Windows operating system.
  • The meter must be provided with meter pass words to secure communication between meter software and having minimum 3 (three) access levels.





       The consumer meters are required for the purpose of energy metering of low voltage consumer who purchases power at 400V line. KWh is the unit for revenue purpose.


System Voltage  : Nominal service voltage 400V, 3 phase 4 wire, solidly grounded neutral at source, maximum system voltage 440V line to line.


System frequency     : 50 Hz

Standard             : The energy meter should be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with IEC 62052-11, 62053-21, and 62053-23 or ANSI C 12.16, 12.10 (latest publication) or specified in this specification .


Installation               : Outdoor installation.


Type                    : Solid state.


Application         : Registration of KWh (peak & off-peak), Total KVarh (Q1+Q4), KW on 3-phase, 4-wire supply for balanced & unbalanced load (unidirectional) . Peak 17.00-23.00 hrs and off peak 23.00-17.00 hrs (programmable) Bangladesh standard time. The software for Time of Use(TOU) shall be so developed to accommodate minimum total four tariffs and can be customized, if the purchaser changes the tariff. The software shall be compatible with Windows operating system.


Connection         : 3-phase 4-wire solidly grounded neutral.


Nos. of element  : 3 (three)


Rates current            : Basic current 30 amps and maximum current ≥100 amps.


Register             : Solid state LCD displays type register. The display shall be programmable, automatic and include:


        Meter ID

        Time & date.

        Cumulative KWh (peak & off-peak)

        Cumulative Total KVarh (Q1+Q4).

        Maximum demand (KW) with time & date.

        Cumulative maximum demand (KW) for billing month.


Maximum demand (MD) in KW shall be registered using the technique of cumulating on integration period controlled by built-in process and the MD shall be continuously recorded and the highest shall be indicated. The highest MD shall be added to the cumulative store, which shall be automatically initiated after an interval of on month/one billing period by means of built-in timing device.



        Integration period: 30(thirty) minutes.

        Number of MD reset (Automatic & manually).

        Average PF (Power Factor) for billing period.




        Phase voltage with indication.

        Phase amps with direction.

        Power factor (average)

        Demand (KW)

        Voltage angel (each phase)

        Current angle(each phase)

        Tempering indication in the register.


Memory storage       : The shall have sufficient capacity (minimum 95 KB) to store the following reading and data in non-voltage memory even in case of power failure.


        Equipment identification codes, security codes and access codes.

        Number of power interruption with date & time (minimum 100 events)

        Latest power failure time & date.

        Date & time of meter tempering (voltage & current missing Demand reset, time change).

        Event logs (Power failure, Demand reset, Time change, History log).

        Current & Previous month registered in KWh (peak & off-peak) Total KVarh (Q1+Q4)

        Current & previous month registered with maximum KW demand since last MD reset with time and date of its occurrence.

        Nos. of Demand reset. 

The meter must have sufficient capacity to store date at 30 (thirty) minutes interval for at least 90 (ninety) days.

        Load Profile data (KWh, KVarh(Q1+Q4))

        Phase voltage or Vh

        Phase amps of Ah


Accuracy class   : Accuracy class shall not exceed 1 (one)


Number of digit  : Minimum 5 (five) integer with 1 (one) decimal (Total 6 digit).


Type of display   : Solid-state LCD display.


Time switch        : The time switch shall be built-in type and shall be designed to perform a present cycle of operation. Time switch shall reset MDI at the end of every month (billing period) automatically. In the event of failure of power supply and battery, at the same time set memory shall not be lost i.e. the set program shall be record in non-volatile memory. The maximum error shall be kept within ± 1(one) second per day. Time error adjustment facility shall be provided.



Battery reserve  : Each time switch must be provided with lithium battery, which allow the switch to function for a period for not less than 10 (ten) years. The guaranteed life of the battery should not be less than 10(ten) years and shall have provision for easy replacement. The shelf life of the battery should be minimum 15 (fifteen) years or more.


Construction              : The meter shall be completely self-contain socket or enclosure type. The meter cover shall be made of polycarbonate/ acrylic/phenolic/resin and socket/enclosure cover shall of metal polycarbonate/acrylic/phenolic/resin. The meter cover and socket/enclosure cover shall be provided with security sealing provisions to prevent unauthorized access  to the internal meter works and socket/enclosure cover sealing shall be designed to accommodate both padlock and wire type seal.


                     The IEC standard meter shall be minimum IP 51. The ANSI Standard meter shall be effectively sealed to prevent entrance of rain and dust into its internal parts. The meter shall pass Rain test described in underwriter's laboratory standard UL-50 (USA) for type 3 enclosures. A general purpose finish  of class 1 as specified in section 7 of ANSI C12.10 shall be provided for the meter and it shall meet the requirement of weather simulation test (sec. 7.2.1 of ANSI C12.10) and slat spray test (ASTM B117). It shall be designed to operate continuously for the normal life of the meter in unsheltered outdoor tropical location exposed to the elements without corrosion or other damage to parts to adversely affect meter accuracy or reliability.


Meter case                       : The meter case shall be constructed by employing flame retardant and high impact strength material. The base, body and frame including terminal block shall be of heat resistive, shock proof and rust proof good quality hard material e.g. unbreakable engineering or stamped metal or molded phenolic resin which shall be capable of withstanding temperature as per IEC or ANSI.


Enclosure for IEC Standard Meter     : The meter shall be surface mounted in an outdoor wall mounted metering enclosure box with necessary wiring. The enclosure box should be made either of high quality flame retardant ABS Resin of minimum 3 mm thickness or of galvanized sheet steel of minimum 1.22mm (18 SWG) thickness or of auto extinguishable, shockproof and UV resistant, hot molded glass reinforced polyester pf minimum 3 mm thickness. The box shall have hinged front door with one toughened glass window or transparent UV resistant Polly carbonate to enable easy reading of meter. The metering box shall be weather proof, dust proof, rodent and inspect proof in accordance with enclosure classification IP54. Service cable entry and exit will be sides of the box and 65(sixty five) mm diameter whole with  black PVC conic cable gland shall be provided for side entry & exit for this purpose all material parts shall have anti-corrosive protection.

All materials  shall be designed, manufactured and tested as per IEC or equivalent international standards except as mentioned. The front door shall be removable and provision must be made for sealing in the closed position.


Stocked for ANSI Standard Meters    :Meter sockets shall be suitable for installation of offered type meter. Meter socket shall be 3-phase, 4-wire wye, 600 volt class, made from 16 gauge sheet metal. Meter sockets shall be similar except as described below. Meter sockets shall approximately 14'' (35.6 cm) H×9'' (22.9 cm) W×4'' (10.2 cm) D and rectangular in shape. Sockets shall be  the same size as 1-phase sockets and terminal blocks shall be interchangeable. Sockets shall be ring less type, sealing latch to be stainless steel and have adequate means for socket grounding. Meter socket shall have a 2"(5 cm) Diameter top opening complete with a 1-1/4''(3.2 cm) hub. Meter  socket shall have 4 knockouts with a range up to 2"(5cm) Diameter, one on the back in the bottom and one in each side. Meter socket shall company with ANSI C 12.6, 12.10

The Socket shall have written permanently (not in paper printed) "connection diagram" distinctly market in addition to all standard data.


Terminal             : Socket connected type/Non-symmetrical, button entry, front connection and connection type with extended terminal cover Minimum 07 Terminals to accommodate up to 16 sq. mm size of cable. The terminal cover for the offered energy meter shall be extended type, and which can be sealed independently. There shall be free space be between bottom of the terminal and the bottom  of the terminal  cover.


Connection                : 3-phase, 4-wire solidly grounded neutral.


Service life of meter        : Shall be minimum 15 (fifteen) years.


Visual indication of operation: Pulse indicator on the front of meter as per meter constant.


Special Condition             : a) The factory calibration conforms to relevant IEC or equivalent standard. LCD display shall be shown consecutively and continuously one after another. The display shall be automated i.e. no external means shall be required to see the display. Each display shall last for at least 5 (five) sec.


                            b) Meter Electronic Circuit biasing voltage shall have to be ensured from each phase to phase and each phase to neutral and minimum basing voltage 40V.



Meter Sealing                  : The Energy meter body will be hermetically sealed or ultrasonically welded to avoid unauthorized opening of meter cover. Otherwise the bid will be rejected.


Communication port         : The meter must be provided with a suitable communication port to allow down loading of desired information stored in the meter to a PC via hand held data logger as per IEC 1107 or equivalent international standard.




The meter shall have the following features to prevent/detect tamper and fraud:


  • Phase Sequence Reversal : The meter should work accurately irrespective of phase sequence of supply.
  • Missing Potentials: The meter shall be capable of detecting occurrence of missing potential of one phase or two phases(s), which can happen due to intentional/ accidental disconnection of potential link(s).
  • Terminal cover must have micro-switch provision to monitor unauthorized opening. Opening of terminal cover shall trigger an event to be recorded in the event log memory.
  • Software Access: Software access for configuration and setting of the meters.






  • The meter cover and socket/enclosure shall be provided security sealing provisions to prevent unauthorized access to the internal meter works.
  • The meter shall be provided with connection diagram.
  • The data access should be protected by minimum 3(three) steps software password in meter.
  • The meter shall have provision of phase to phase and each phase to neutral biasing.
  • The meter shall have minimum biasing voltage of 40V otherwise the bid will be rejected.
  • The meter, socket/enclosure shall have provision of earthing.
  • Meter must operate and accurately region demand and energy when service voltage is applied across any two of the three input terminal or when service voltage is applied from any input terminal to neutral. Meter will continue to operate even if the neutral is missing.
  • The meter and socket/enclosure must be from the same country of origin otherwise the bid will be rejected.
  • The registration of KWh (peak & off-peak) on 3-phase, 4-wire supply for balanced & unbalanced load will be unidirectional. i.e. if one, two or three phase supply is/are reversed, it will take the absolute (kWh-de) + absolute (kWh-rev) and will add them together as total 3-phase kWh.
  • The meter shall have provision of remote GSM communication option.
  •  The meter shall have permanently printed (not in paper printed) nameplate distinctly market with the following in additional to all standard data:


(j)     The word "BPDB" and insignia of BPDB.

(k)   Voltage and current rating.

(l)     Frequency.

(m) Number of element, number of wire and multiplication factor.

(n)   Accuracy class.

(o)   Year of manufacturer.

(p)   Serial number.

(q)   Name of manufacturer.

(r)    Meter constant.


7.03.(A).04  Display of measured values/Meter Display


  • The Sequence of LCD display should be user programmable.
  • The contract setting of LCD display should be visible in different lighting environment and also distinctly visible in broad day light.
  • The meter should be capable of displaying time and date, the direction of energy i.e. as import/export or +/-, active tariff and internal fault indicators.
  • There should be up to three groups of display to priorities the display. Each showing a programmable function group.


7.03.(A).05  Meter Parameterisation  of Software


  • The parameterision software must run on Windows operating environment.
  • The software must be protected by software keys to control duplication and installation.
  • The software should have a customizable printing feature by task list.
  • The meter must be able to display or record meter ID, Program, Programmer ID, C.T. ratio, V.T.ratio, Total (KWh, KVarh, KVAh,KW, KVar, KVA, P.F) per phase (voltage, current, KW, KVar, KVA, P.F, phase voltage angle, phase current angle); Load profile having minimum 8(eight) Channels data stored in different interval for 90 days.
  • Tamper feature: The meter must have Errors & Warnings codes, History log and Event log (minimum 400 events), to record date & time of all power outages. Demand resets, time change.
  • In addition, each software key must bear a unique user ID and that is not transferable to another PC that has difference user ID.
  • The meter should have able to display the phasor diagram.
  • The software for time of use (TOU) shall be compatible to accommodate minimum for tariff and can be customized. If the purchaser changes the tariff . The software shall be compatible with Windows operating system.
  • The meter must be provided with meter pass words to secure communication between meter software and having minimum 3 (three) access levels.



































(B) Lot-2:. Procurement of 110V, 3×5(6) A, 3-phase 4-wire, 3-element, outdoor type double tariff programmable consumer energy meter with remote automated reading system.





The consumer meters are required for the purpose of energy metering of low voltage consumer who purchases power at 11 KV/33 KV line through PT & CT. KWH is the unit for revenue purpose.


System Voltage  : Nominal service voltage 110V, 3 phase 4 wire, solidly grounded neutral at source, maximum system voltage 120V line to line.


System frequency     : 50 Hz

Standard             : The energy meter should be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with IEC 62052-11, 62053-22, and 62053-23 or ANSI C 12.16, 12.10 (latest publication) or specified in this specification .


Installation               : Outdoor installation.


Type                    : Solid state.


Application         : Registration of KWh (peak & off-peak), Total KVarh (Q1+Q4), KW on 3-phase, 4-wire supply for balanced & unbalanced load (unidirectional) . Peak 17.00-23.00 hrs and off peak 23.00-17.00 hrs (programmable) Bangladesh standard time. The software for Time of Use(TOU) shall be so developed to accommodate minimum total four tariffs and can be customized, if the purchaser changes the tariff. The software shall be compatible with Windows operating system.


Connection         : 3-phase 4-wire solidly grounded neutral.


Nos. of element  : 3 (three)


Rates current            : Basic current 5 amps and maximum current ≥6 amps.


Register             : Solid state LCD displays type register. The display shall be programmable, automatic and include:


        Meter ID

        Time & date.

        Cumulative KWh (peak & off-peak)

        Cumulative Total KVarh (Q1+Q4).

        Maximum demand (KW) with time & date.

        Cumulative maximum demand (KW) for billing month.


Maximum demand (MD) in KW shall be registered using the technique of cumulating on integration period controlled by built-in process and the MD shall be continuously recorded and the highest shall be indicated. The highest MD shall be added to the cumulative store, which shall be automatically initiated after an interval of on month/one billing period by means of built-in timing device.


        Integration period: 30(thirty) minutes.

        Number of MD reset (Automatic & manually).

        Average PF (Power Factor) for billing period.




        Phase voltage with indication.

        Phase amps with direction.

        Power factor (average)

        Demand (KW)

        Voltage angel (each phase)

        Current angle(each phase)

        Tempering indication in the register.


Memory storage       : The shall have sufficient capacity (minimum 95 KB) to store the following reading and data in non-voltage memory even in case of power failure.


        Equipment identification codes, security codes and access codes.

        Number of power interruption with date & time (minimum 100 events)

        Latest power failure time & date.

        Date & time of meter tempering (voltage & current missing Demand reset, time change).

        Event logs

        Current & Previous registered in month KWh (peak & off-peak) Total KVarh (Q1+Q4)

        Current & previous month registered with maximum KW demand since last MD reset with time and date of its occurrence.

        Nos. of Demand reset. 

The meter must have sufficient capacity to store date at 30 (thirty) minutes interval for at least 90 (ninety) days.

        Load Profile data (KWh, KVarh(Q1+Q4))

        Phase voltage or Vh

        Phase amps of Ah


Accuracy class   : Accuracy class is 0.2 (point two)


Number of digit  : Minimum 5 (five) integer with 1 (one) decimal (Total 6 digit).


Type of display   : Solid-state LCD display.


Time switch        : The time switch shall be built-in type and shall be designed to perform a present cycle of operation. Time switch shall reset MDI at the end of every month (billing period) automatically. In the event of failure of power supply and battery, at the same time set memory shall not be lost i.e. the set program shall be record in non-volatile memory. The maximum error shall be kept within ± 1(one) second per day. Time error adjustment facility shall be provided.


Battery reserve  : Each time switch must be provided with lithium battery, which allow the switch to function for a period for not less than 10 (ten) years. The guaranteed life of the battery should not be less than 10(ten) years and shall have provision for easy replacement. The shelf life of the battery should be minimum 15 (fifteen) years or more.


Construction              : The meter shall be completely self-contain socket or enclosure type. The meter cover shall be made of polycarbonate/ acrylic/phenolic/resin and socket/enclosure cover shall of metal polycarbonate/acrylic/phenolic/resin. The meter cover and socket/enclosure cover shall be provided with security sealing provisions to prevent unauthorized access  to the internal meter works and socket/enclosure  sealing shall be designed to accommodate both padlock and wire type seal.


                     The IEC standard meter shall be minimum IP 51. The ANSI Standard meter shall be effectively sealed to prevent entrance of rain and dust into its internal parts. The meter shall pass Rain test described in underwriter's laboratory standard UL-50 (USA) for type 3 enclosures. A general purpose finish  of class 1 as specified in section 7 of ANSI C12.10 shall be provided for the meter and it shall meet the requirement of weather simulation test (sec. 7.2.1 of ANSI C12.10) and slat spray test (ASTM B117). It shall be designed to operate continuously for the normal life of the meter in unsheltered outdoor tropical location exposed to the elements without corrosion or other damage to parts to adversely affect meter accuracy or reliability.


Enclosure for IEC Standard Meter     : The meter shall be surface mounted in an outdoor wall mounted metering enclosure box with necessary wiring. The enclosure box should be made either of high quality flame retardant ABS Resin of minimum 3 mm thickness or of galvanized sheet steel of minimum 1.22mm (18 SWG) thickness or of auto extinguishable, shockproof and UV resistant, hot molded glass reinforced polyester pf minimum 3 mm thickness. The box shall have hinged front door with one toughened glass window or transparent UV resistant Polly carbonate to enable easy reading of meter. The metering box shall be weather proof, dust proof, rodent and inspect proof in accordance with enclosure classification IP54. Service cable entry and exit will be sides of the box and 65(sixty five) mm diameter whole with  black PVC conic cable gland shall be provided for side entry & exit for this purpose all material parts shall have anti-corrosive protection.

All materials  shall be designed, manufactured and tested as per IEC or equivalent international standards except as mentioned. The front door shall be removable and provision must be made for sealing in the closed position.


Stocket :Meter sockets shall be suitable for installation of offered type meter. Meter socket shall be 3-phase, 4-wire wye, 600 volt class, made from 16 gauge sheet metal. Meter sockets shall be similar except as described below. Meter sockets shall approximately 14'' (35.6 cm) H×9'' (22.9 cm) W×4'' (10.2 cm) D and rectangular in shape. Sockets shall be  the same size as 1-phase sockets and terminal blocks shall be interchangeable. Sockets shall be ring less type, sealing latch to be stainless steel and have adequate means for socket grounding. Meter socket shall have a 2''(5 cm) Diameter top opening complete with a 1-1/4''(3.2 cm) hub. Meter  socket shall have 4 knockouts with a range up to 2"(5cm) Diameter, one on the back in the bottom and one in each side. Meter socket shall company with ANSI C 12.6, 12.10

The Socket shall have written permanently (not in paper printed) "connection diagram" distinctly market in addition to all standard data.


Terminal             : Socket connected type/Non-symmetrical, button entry, front connection and connection type with extended terminal cover Minimum 07 Terminals to accommodate up to 06 sq. mm size of cable. The terminal cover for the offered energy meter shall be extended type, and which can be sealed independently. There shall be free space be between bottom of the terminal and the bottom  of the terminal  cover.


Connection                : 3-phase, 4-wire solidly grounded neutral.


Service life of meter        : Shall be minimum 15 (fifteen) years.


Visual indication of operation: Pulse indicator on the front of meter as per meter constant.


Special Condition             : a) The factory calibration conforms to relevant IEC or equivalent standard. LCD display shall be shown consecutively and continuously one after another. The display shall be automated i.e. no external means shall be required to see the display. Each display shall last for at least 5 (five) sec.


                            b) Meter Electronic Circuit biasing voltage shall have to be ensured from each phase to phase and each phase to neutral and minimum basing voltage 40V.



Meter Sealing                  : The Energy meter body will be hermetically sealed or ultrasonically welded to avoid unauthorized opening of meter cover. Otherwise the Tender will be rejected.


Communication port         : The meter must be provided with a suitable communication port to allow down loading of desired information stored in the meter to a PC via hand held data logger as per IEC 1107 or equivalent international standard.


Remote Communication  : The meter shall be equipped with external GSM Modem, which will be able to interface with RS232/RS485 and designed for data, GPRS etc, communication, having all accessories like power supply adapter, necessary connecting cables, antenna with, minimum five meter cable, connections, enclosure box with fixing materials etc. complete in all respect for remote communication.




The meter shall have the following features to prevent/detect tamper and fraud:


  • Phase Sequence Reversal : The meter should work accurately irrespective of phase sequence of supply.
  • Missing Potentials: The meter shall be capable of detecting occurrence of missing potential of one phase or two phases(s), which can happen due to intentional/ accidental disconnection of potential link(s).
  • Terminal cover must have micro-switch provision to monitor unauthorized opening. Opening of terminal cover shall trigger an event to be recorded in the event log memory.
  • Software Access: Software access for configuration and setting of the meters.




  • The meter cover and socket/enclosure shall be provided security sealing provisions to prevent unauthorized access to the internal meter works.
  • The meter shall be provided with connection diagram.
  • The data access should be protected by minimum 3(three) steps software password in meter.
  • The meter shall have provision of phase to phase and each phase to neutral biasing.
  • The meter shall have minimum biasing voltage of 40V otherwise the bid will be rejected.
  • The meter, socket/enclosure shall have provision of earthing.
  • Meter must operate and accurately region demand and energy when service voltage is applied across any two of the three input terminal or when service voltage is applied from any input terminal to neutral. Meter will continue to operate even if the neutral is missing.
  • The meter and socket/enclosure must be from the same country of origin otherwise the bid will be rejected.
  • The registration of KWh (peak & off-peak) on 3-phase, 4-wire supply for balanced & unbalanced load will be unidirectional. i.e. if one, two or three phase supply is/are reversed, it will take the absolute (kWh-de) + absolute (kWh-rev) and will add them together as total 3-phase kWh.
  • The meter shall have provision of remote GSM  & PSTN action option.
  •  The meter shall have permanently printed (not in paper printed) nameplate distinctly market with the following in additional to all standard data:


(1)   The word "BPDB" and insignia of BPDB.

(2)   Voltage and current rating.

(3)   Frequency.

(4)   Number of element, number of wire and multiplication factor.

(5)   Accuracy class.

(6)   Year of manufacturer.

(7)   Serial number.

(8)   Name of manufacturer.

(9) Meter constant.



7.04.(B).04  Display of measured values/Meter Display


  • The Sequence of LCD display should be user programmable.
  • The contract setting of LCD display should be visible in different lighting environment and also distinctly visible in broad day light.
  • The meter should be capable of displaying time and date, the direction of energy i.e. as import/export or +/-, active tariff and internal fault indicators.
  • There should be up to three groups of display to priorities the display. Each showing a programmable function group.


7.04.(B).05  Meter Parameterisation  of Software


  • The parameterision software must run on Windows operating environment.
  • The software must be protected by software keys to control duplication and installation.
  • The software should have a customizable printing feature by task list.
  • The meter must be able to display or record meter ID, Program, Programmer ID, C.T. ratio, V.T.ratio, Total (KWh, KVarh, KVAh,KW, KVar, KVA, P.F) per phase (voltage, current, KW, KVar, KVA, P.F, phase voltage angle, phase current angle); Load profile having minimum 8(eight) Channels data stored in different interval for 90 days.
  • Tamper feature: The meter must have Errors & Warnings codes, History log and Event log (minimum 400 events), to record date & time of all power outages. Demand resets, time change.
  • In addition, each software key must bear a unique user ID and that is not transferable to another PC that has difference user ID.
  • The meter should have able to display the phasor diagram.
  • The software for time of use (TOU) shall be compatible to accommodate minimum for tariff and can be customized. If the purchaser changes the tariff . The software shall be compatible with Windows operating system.
  • The meter must be provided with meter pass words to secure communication between meter software and having minimum 3 (three) access levels.






A GSM/ PSTN/ TCP-IP Modem with RS-232/ RS-485 ports and interface capabilities and designed for data, SMS and GPRS etc. having all accessories like power supply adaptor, connection cables, antenna with minimum five meter cable, enclosure box, wall/ cubicle fixing materials and connectors etc shall be supplied complete in all respect for each meter. The modern will be of robust type, durable and compatible with the Employer's service conditions.






Design/supply, installation, configuration and commissioning of an AMR Software package in English Version running on the server located at zonal HQs/Dhaka Computer Center/ Energy Auditing Unites of BPDB Zones. The software must automatically collect and  process date from the 1,000 Energy Meter and cater for data acquisition, data import and export, database management and archiving, data checking and validation, standard and customer report generation, event management and remote setting of Energy Meters. The AMR Software shall have flexible interfacing capabilities so that meter readings from any or all meters can be exchanged with the current and future billing systems, with any future installations. The AMR shall completer a full down of all meter's data between 12:00AM to 8 AM on the first day of each calendar month. Automated Meter Reading shall have multilevel security and access protection required for separation of control of the functions of billing. Analyzing load and other pertinent parameters needed for billing , energy audit and power parameters analysis, and customized reporting. The scope of the software for the automated meter reading system shall include but is not limited to:


a.   Automatic and on request meter reading for up to 1,000 Energy meters included tendered 500 meters.

b.      Data stored in database similar to Oracle or SQL.

c.       The System shall be able to import and export all types of data stored in the database in any of the following standards formats (XML/PHP/ASCII/CSVT/TXT/MS Excel or equivalent) or via standard database query tools.

d.      It shall also be possible to access the functions of the AMR software from applications developed by the Employer either by batch file commands and or an Application Program interface.

e.       The system shall be multi level password protected.

f.        Detection of negative values, significant deviations from prior consumption patterns.

g.       The system shall provided analysis tools to identify active and reactive energy for each tariff and direction by user defined period, maximum and minimum active and reactive power, duration of single or multiple phase outages, load profile, loss calculation, register data, phase voltage, phase current, power factor per phase, Phesore diagram, event log data, energy balances, and power quality data etc.

h.       The system shall be able to read one modem for one meter or multiple meters over a single modem.

i.         The software shall be able to read data from other internationally reputed manufacturer's meters if protocol of those meters are to be provided.

j.        Minimum 10(ten) user license in the name of BPDB has to be provided.




The Employer equipment and software offered as part of the complete Remote Metering System has already been developed and field-proven by use with equivalent systems. Tenderness shall provide reference list for their products where they were employed in similar projects. The following references for each offered equipment are required :


  • At least two similar AMR software already installed and operational-each operating over 200 meters.
  • Non proprietary and non custom-tailored solutions and products based on internationally recognized standards will be preferred.


7.05 Documentations:


7.05.1    The following documentations shall be submit ed along with the tender:


Original Printed Catalogues with detail technical information. Constructional diagram and dimensions of the Meters, Socket/enclosure, Modem and AMR Software.


7.05.2    The following documents/sample must be submitted along with the tender, without which the tender shall be considered as non-responsive:


  1. Commercial


The shall be eligible as per ITT Clause No.4 and they should submit Tender validity, Tender Security, Tender Security validity, Price Schedule, Delivery Schedule, Authorization of the signatory, Tender Submission Sheet/Letter, Tendered information sheet & Documentary evidence for establishing the Tender's Qualifications etc. and all other documents including information related to rejection class as per Standard Tender Documents for procurement of Goods [international] according to PPR-2008.


  1. Technical


1)      Filled up Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) signed by both Manufacturer and Tenderer.

2)      Letter of authorization from the Manufacturers, in case, the Tenders is not the manufacturer, in prescribed Form.

3)      Year wish supply record  of the manufacturer for the offered type meters are to be submitter. Minimum 50% of Tendered quantity are to be supplied by the manufacturer in a single contract within last 5(five) years. The supply record shall include the client's name & address, quantity of meter, year of supply etc. in the following format:-

SI No.

Nam, Address, Phone No & Fax No., of the Purchaser

Contract No. & Date

Contract Value

Description of Material with Quantity

Date of Completion of Supply














4)      Satisfactory Performance certificate from at least 2 (two) end users (utility) for the offered type & mode of meter from outside manufacturer's country.

5)      Minimum 50 thousand production per annum except from the country of orgin.

6)      Type Test report as per relevant international standard in English along with results of the offered type & model energy meter from anyone of the following Independent testing laboratory.


a.       KEMA, Holland

b.      European Measuring instruments Directive (MID) recognized labs.

c.       Office of the Gas and Electricity Market, UK/S G S UK

d.      Under Writer's Laboratory, USA

e.       MET Laboratories Inc. USA.


The bidder shall also submit the type test reference number and contract person from the independent test laboratory  to verify the test report.


7)      One sample of each offered model/ type of meter is to be submitted.

8)      Manufacturers will ensure unconditional warranty as described in Section -06 Manufacturer's Authorisation Letter (Form PG4-7) & Section-8 Guaranteed Technical Particulars.


7.06          Acceptance


The purchaser shall have the right to inspect/test the goods to confirm their conformity to the specification.

The routine test shall be carried out as latest version of respective ANSI/IEC standard at the manufacturer premises at the supplier's cost.



Routine test:


Materials will be at the manufacturer's factory and all cost of the test shall be borne by the supplier. The test and survey report shall have to be sent  to the purchaser before shipment. Shipment will be effected after the purchaser has accepted the test and  survey report and has information the supplier to this effect.


In case any of the equipment found not conforming with the specification at the time of inspection,  the supplier will in no way be relieved to the responsibility of  replacing those or making those goods at their own cost, even if the equipment where found good at the time of pre-shipment.




The purchaser shall have the right  to inspect/test the goods/materials to confirm their conformity to the specification. The purchaser shall be entitle at all reasonable time during manufacturer to inspect, example and test of goods/materials at the manufacturer's premises, workmanship and performance. The following test shall be carried out as per latest version of ANSI/IEC or equivalent international standard unless otherwise at the manufacturer premises at the manufacturer permission or other place where the test facilities are available:-


-         Routine tests


The Supplier shall, after consulting the purchaser, give the Purchaser reasonable notice in writing of the date and the place at which any material or equipment will be ready for testing as provided in the contract and unless the purchaser shall attend at the place so named on date, which shall be deemed to have been made in the purchaser's and shall from with forward to the purchaser duly certified copies of test readings.


When the purchaser intends to attend the test he shall promptly inform the supplier accordingly in writing, so that he can take action. The purchaser shall give the supplier timely notice in writing of his intention to attend the test.

Where the supplier provides for tests on the premises of the supplier or of any manufacturer of the supplier, except where otherwise specified, shall provide free of such assistance, labor, materials, electricity, fuel, stores, apparatus and instruments as may be requisite and as may be reasonably demanded to carry out such test efficiently. These test shall be performed as per relevant IEC/ ANSI Standard or equivalent international standard and only routine tests as agreed upon, will be performed.


As and when the purchaser is satisfied that any materials/ equipment shall have. Passes the tests referred to in this clause, purchaser shall notify the contractor in writing to that effect.


Should any inspected/ tested goods fail to conform to the specification, the purchaser shall have the right to reject any of the items or complete batch if necessary. In that case supplier has to replace the equipment and to make good of them without any financial involvement to the Purchaser. In case any of the Equipment will in no way be relieved from the responsibility of replacing them or making Inspection, the supplier will in no way be relieved from the responsibility them of replacing or making them good at their own cost, despite the Equipment were found good at the time of Factory Acceptance Test. Nothing in this clause shall in any way release supplier from any warranty or other obligations under the contract.


If the offered goods are manufactured outside the  purchaser's country then BPDB's Inspection Team shall have to contract Technical Orientation and Quality Test Witness at the manufacturer's factory premises. The cost incurred for this purpose shall be borne by the contractor. The cost of Air Tickets (both way) from Bangladesh to manufacturer's country (place of Technical Orientation and Quality Test Witness), Hotel Accommodation etc. Will be borne by the Supplier. Other than this the Supplier will pay a standard amount of pocket money per day (Excluding journey period). The period for this purpose is more or less 10(ten) days. Technical orientation and Quality Test Witness will be attended by 03 (three) BPDB engineers from relevant offices. The supplier shall also train 15 (fifteen) BPDB  Engineers for 5 (five) days at Dhaka. All the cost of this purpose shall be deemed is included in the offered price.


No goods shall be packed, prepared for shipment/ delivery unless it has been approved including Test reports and instruction has been issued by the Purchaser.


The tendered has to mention the place of Technical Orientation and Quality Test Witness in the following table:-



Period of Technical Orientation and Quality Test Witness

Place & Country of Technical Orientation and Quality Test Witness









Described as above the meter test in addition for each type of meter 1(one) meter from each group [400V, 3x10(60)A; 400V, 3x30(100)A & 110V, 3x5(6) A] will be selected on a random basis for testing in an independent testing lab for the following tests: i) Dry heat test; ii) Damp heat, cycle test; iii) electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test. The tender will arrange these tests in an independent Testing Laboratory during Quality Test Witness.





Post landing inspection shall be done immediately after the arrival of the materials/ equipment at the designed store of BPDB. The energineer & represection from consignec shall conduct post-landing inspection. The program of such inspection shall be intimated to the representative of the supplier by BPDB upon arrival of the materials/equipment at BPDB store.


7.09          PACKING:


Meters must be expert packed and properly protected for shipment, rough transportation and storage Specific care shall be taken for protection in store and reference is made to the climatic condition prevailing in Bangladesh.


Each unit shall be sealed in waterproof in waterproof polyethylene bag having a silica gel placed inside the unit and then packed in polystyrene form gasket closed by self adhesive tape rating of the meter shall be marked by market pen or label on the form for easy identification.


Maximum 10(ten) nos. of complete metering units are allowed to pack into a wooden box lined with heavy gauge polyethylene. Between metering units a suitable packing material for protection and preventing their movement should be used. Silica gel should be provided inside each polyethylene wrapper. The packing case should be able to withstand accidental direct exposure to weather for reasonable period.